

Luminița Țălnaru

Senior Trainer and Coach, Training Manager

Cerficări: în metodologiile AchieveGlobal, în soluții gamificate Equatorial, Strength Deployment Inventory, Human Synergistics, modelul de personalitate DISC (Persolog), metoda ESPERE, Coach executiv, nivel 1 (metoda Sir John Withmore)


Cosmin Joldeș

Senior Trainer and Coach

Certificări: în metodologiile Miller-Heiman și AchieveGlobal (Grupul Korn Ferry), soluții gamificate Equatorial, HOGAN Assessment, Human Synergistics, Strengths Development Inventory, Coach executiv, nivel 1 (metoda Sir John Withmore)


Camelia Floarea

Senior Trainer and Coach

Certificări: metodologiile Human Synergistics, modelul de personalitate DISC (Persolog) și soluții gamificate Equatorial


Georgiana Vlădulescu


Certificări: în metodologiile Human Synergistics, modelul de personalitate DISC (Persolog)


Alina Ioana Drăgan

Senior Trainer and Coach

Certificări: în metodologiile Human Synergistics, LIFO, modelul de personalitate DISC (Persolog), Solution Focus Coaching (certificată ACTP ICF), ACC Coach (certificata ICF)


Alexandru Ionescu

Senior Trainer and Coach

Certificări: soluții gamificate Equatorial, Strength Deployment Inventory, Human Synergistics, modelul de personalitate DISC (Persolog), Brainiup, Certificat de Dezvoltare Personală – Coach Acreditat (coaching bazat pe soluții)


Luiza Dăncescu

Senior Trainer and Coach

Certificări: Hogan Assessments ce include Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS), Motives Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI), Human Synergistics, modelul de personalitate DISC (Persolog)


Daniel Popescu

Senior Trainer and Coach, Business Architect

Certificări: modelul de personalitate DISC (Persolog), Human Synergistics


Alisa Popa

Senior Trainer and Coach, Founder Agile Learning România

Certificări: Human Synergistics, modelul de personalitate DISC (Persolog), Agile People Coach, eduSCRUM, Leading with Agility, Professional Coach, NLP Master (EuCF)


Florian Koleci

Senior Trainer and Consultant

Certificări: Metodologiile AchieveGlobal, soluții gamificate Equatorial, Human Synergistics, Strength Deployment Inventory


Cristina Neacșu

Senior Trainer and Consultant, Actor

Certificări: PCM (Process Communication Model) și Human Synergistics LSI1


Bogdan Sebeni

Senior Trainer, Coach and Facilitator

Bogdan a demonstrat abilități remarcabile lucrând cu peste 15.000 de persoane în programele sale de training și coaching.
